1692 Garden Spray Bottle for Gardening Water Spray Bottle


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 40.00

water spray bottle

Functional and decorative pressure watering can, not only helpful, but also to decorate your life

This mini pressure watering can use a diamond geometry, mini, lovely, and cute, with a beautiful shape and soft candy color, not only easy to use, but also to decorate your garden and house. Whether you are cleaning your room, enjoy gardening and planting outdoors, or storing your beauty and hair product. Our plastic spray bottle is your perfect helper.

small spray bottle

garden spray bottle

The spray bottle has 2 spraying modes to choose from the mist mode, the stream mode. Use accordingly, depending on each occasion.

medium size bottle

With a handy, easy to push squeeze trigger and multi spraying settings. More easy to use and store.

stylish spray bottle

With a handy, easy to push squeeze trigger and multi spraying settings. More easy to use and store.

Made of quality material. Features a tight seal that will prevent any liquids from dripping out.

Rs. 40.00

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