3330 Stainless Steel Airtight & Leak Proof Lock Glass Tumbler with Lid - 500ml


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Rs. 210.00 Rs. 137.00
  • Stainless Steel Glass and SS Lid fixed with a silicon gasket Non breakable Clips
  • It is easy and perfect for carrying liquids like mineral water, juice, coconut water, tea, coffee and cold drinks while travelling, offices, schools, picnic, gym, etc. As these tumblers are airtight and leakproof it does not allow the liquid contents to seep out and ruin other items in your bag.
  • Food grade Stainless Steel, Airtight, Leak-proof, Freezer Safe
  • Perfect for outdoor Use (Travelling, Office, School Etc) Easy to carry for backpacking, hiking, traveling, etc due to it's light weight.

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