AM0823 Buddha Theme 10 inch Flower Plant Plastic Pot


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Rs. 249.00 Rs. 123.00
  • Stylish And Simple Design: 10"inches is the dimension of vintage white planters for plants, can grow real plants without taking up much space, making your life unique. These cute plant pots are perfect for indoor or outdoor plants of different colors. Easily bring out a modern, stylish visual representation for your living room, kitchen, hall, office, and balcony garden decor.
  • Creative and Fun: Design the hairstyle through your creative ideas and various plant changes that would make her more fashionable and chic. You can also use acrylic paint to recolor or draw designs on the skin of head planters, DIY your very own unique style piece of wall art, or yard art! It will be the most grabbing and memorable decoration piece.
Rs. 123.00

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