AM1261 Fancy Card Mini Silver Earrings (1 Pcs)


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Rs. 49.00 Rs. 20.00

Enhance your style with these elegant silver fancy earrings, with a dangling length. Each earring is beautifully designed in the shape of a star, beneath which lies a shining black stone. This combination creates a play of depth, giving the piece an astonishing 3D effect. The original look and the contrast between the shiny silver and the deep black stone make these earrings a real eye-catcher. Despite their sophisticated design, they remain light, ensuring optimal comfort to the one wearing them. Furthermore, thanks to their well-designed stud closure, they are not only easy to put on, but also guarantee a secure hold all day long. These earrings are the perfect accessory to bring a touch of sparkle and originality to any outfit.

Rs. 20.00

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