AM2029 Cello Steel-0 Fresh BoroSilicate Round Container 400ml


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Rs. 445.00 Rs. 295.00

Carry your home-cooked meals conveniently and securely with Cello Square Borosilicate lunch box . While most home-cooked meals become cold and lose their taste by lunchtime, the insulated soft outer jacket of this lunch box helps to effectively seal in the heat to keep your food hot and fresh. The included containers make it easy to carry multiple items of your choice and its transparent body lets you see what is kept inside to further fuel your appetite.  Air-tight and liquid-tight Leak Proof containers, Easily stackable for convenient storage, Microwave oven, dishwasher and freezer proof. Microwave, oven, dishwasher and freezer proof

Rs. 295.00

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