AM2178 CCX-106 Professional Excellent Quality 100 Watts Hot Melt Glue Gun


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Rs. 380.00 Rs. 219.00
  • Voltage - 100-240V
    Frequency - 50-60Hz
    How To Use: Step 1 is plug in gun, load the glue sticks into the back of the gun, step 2 is press trigger several times until the glue stick is firmly set into the inlet tube, step 3 is allow the glue gun to warm up for approximately 5 minutes, step 4 is squeeze trigger until glue flows from nozzle
  • Repair holes in window screens reattach the float for a tank after its mount corroded away; Repair broken tail light covers on cars; Reattach trim on cars; Reattach the side view mirror on a car; Reattach the heel of a shoe; Repair the cracked housing of an electric appliance; make an impromptu model for your kids school project; reattach plastic kitchen cabinet drawers to wooden face plates; Repair of toys, furniture, TV, radio or any plastic product body cracks etc
Rs. 219.00

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