AM2722 2 Side Bamboo Wooden Toothpick Sticks, Travel Portable, Portable Bamboo Stick. Eco Friendly Tooth Cleaner


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Rs. 29.00 Rs. 9.00

About this item

  • Selected high-quality bamboo and wooden toothpicks, carefully shaped directly after grinding, no burrs and sharp edges, not easy to split and break.
  • Toothpick can not only remove food debris from the teeth, but also insert fruit, and the toothpick box can be reused. (Each box contains about 75 toothpicks)
  • The toothpick box is made of PC, has a smooth surface, is comfortable to the touch, and has a good air-tight packaging, which effectively isolates external dust.
  • Excellent & longer taper for better cleaning of food particles, which are left stuck in between the teeth
    Vol. Weight (Gm) :- 17

    Product Weight (Gm) :- 20

    Ship Weight (Gm) :-20 
    Length (Cm) :- 6

    Breadth (Cm) :- 4

    Height (Cm) :- 5

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