AM3717 M-seal Phataphat Fast Curing Epoxy Compound Multi-Purpose


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Rs. 20.00 Rs. 19.00

M-Seal Phataphat Fast Curing Epoxy Compound Putty Sealant Adhesive for Leakage

M-seal Phataphat Fast Curing Epoxy Compound

IDEAL FEATURES -It is ideal for gripping, joining, sealing, and insulating a variety of surfaces like metal, porcelain, marble, wood, and glass.

MULTI-PURPOSE - M-seal is a multi-purpose sealant with 4 main applications – Sealing, Joining, Fixing and Building.

PACKAGE CONTENTS - Consists of two parts (RESIN & HARDENER) which are supplied in the form of sticks of equal volume, individually wrapped and sealed to be mixed in the ratio of 1:1 by volume or weight. RESIN - Seals Joins, HARDENER - Fixes Builds

TIMING - Spreading of adhesive is easy in the first 5 minutes. Cures to a hard mass. Sets in 30 minutes at 27 Degree Celsius. it will totally harden in approximately one hour to an extent

  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 66

    Length (Cm) :- 8.5

    Breadth (Cm) :- 5
    Height (Cm) :- 5
Rs. 19.00

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