AM3847 Gula Racing Car for Kids (Item No.1800)


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Rs. 299.00 Rs. 160.00

7 Inch Race Toy Cars - Color: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green

These truck toys is friction powered with strong power, allowing for natural forward or backward movement with rubber wheels ensuring long-lasting play. A perfect size 7 inch which is good for toddlers little hands. Best toys for 1+ year old boy.

gifts for 4 year old boys

Alloy Body & Anti-collision

Alloy body to effectively protect the toy car from being impacted

boy toys 2 year old

gifts for 2 year old boy

The Best Birthday Gift for Boys and Girls

The race toy car set is a perfect birthday or christmas gift for kids ages of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 years old, especially for boys who love cars.

Rs. 160.00

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