3098 Kitchen Cleaning Wet Wipes


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Rs. 349.00 Rs. 89.00


Kitchen Cleaning Wipes :

These disposable wipes are a household essential for tackling tough grease stains and maintaining a spotless glass table. With a robust formula, these wipes promise unmatched decontamination, leaving your surfaces sparkling clean.


Household Cloth Towel:

  • Rapid Degreasing Action: Swiftly eliminate grease stains with our powerful cleaning formula.
  • Disposable Convenience: Hassle-free cleaning with easy-to-use disposable wipes.
  • Superior Decontamination: Unmatched cleaning performance for a spotless kitchen.
  • Glass Table Brilliance: Achieve crystal-clear glass tables effortlessly.
  • Household Essential: A must-have for maintaining a clean and hygienic kitchen environment.


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