AM3311 Camel Wax Crayons Extra Long 16 shades


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Rs. 50.00 Rs. 42.00

Camel Wax Crayons Extra Long 16 shades 80mm length x 8mm dia each bright and smooth colours Give to your child the endless joy of colouring and creativity

These bright and smooth colours go on and on with the extra comfortable length to give your child the endless joy of colouring and creativity

  • Vibrant Colours: This set includes 16 richly pigmented, extra-long wax crayons in a variety of bright shades to inspire creativity.
  • Extended Length: Each crayon measures allowing for a comfortable grip and extended colouring sessions.
  • Safety Certified: These crayons meet the  safety standard, ensuring they are non-toxic and safe for children to use.
  • Versatile Application: Ideal for colouring books, drawing, or creating vibrant artwork on paper or canvas.
  • Dimension:-

    Product Weight (Gm) :- 85

    Length (Cm) :-12

    Breadth (Cm) :- 15

    Height (Cm) :- 12

    Country Of Origin :Made in India

Rs. 42.00

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