3964 Magic Cleaning Sponge Roll 100 cm


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Rs. 299.00 Rs. 99.00

Cleaning Scruber

Cleaning Scruber

Nano carborundum sponge rub

Nano carborundum sponge rub, strong decontamination, Wear resistance, strong descale and remove rust, suitable for removing stubborn dirt rust.

Cleaning Scruber

100 CM Long

Material: the inner layer is a high-density sponge, and the outer layer of the nano emery process, has good flexibility, and rapid and effective decontamination.

Cleaning Scruber

Can Be Cut Into Small Pcs


  • Please wet the pot and sponge before using it, and add some detergent for better effect.
  • It can easily clean up rust and oil stains on the pot bottom to make it become newer than before

Cleaning Scruber

Wide Applications


  • Can be used to brush Pans, Kettle, wipe Chopping boards, Tires, and some other Kitchen Utensils.
  • Wipe the pot descaling, not hurt utensils.
  • Perfect for use in the kitchen, bathroom, garage or outdoor, etc.


Rs. 99.00

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