AM2869 Hair Towel Quick-Drying Microfiber Magic Hair Warp Towel - 60 Gram


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 59.00

This Hair Towels are made of a super absorbent material woven from ultra fine microfibers with ultra wicking technology, which enables water to be drawn from hair and skin more quickly and thoroughly, 80% more absorbent than other towels.

Microfiber hair wrap towel features a cap-style design with a loop and button closure for easy and secure fastening. This allows you to wrap your hair securely and comfortably, keeping it in place while you go about your post-shower routine.

Physical Dimension:-

Weight (Gm) :- 60

Length (Cm) :- 23

Breadth (Cm) :- 3

Height (Cm) :- 61

Rs. 59.00

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