1335 Mini Foldable Washing Machine


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Rs. 4,999.00 Rs. 1,095.00
Mini Foldable Washing Machine

This mini compact washing machine is an ideal choice for doing laundry in compact and limited space environments such as dorms, condos, motor homes, camping and more. The easy operation system allows you to do laundry in three easy steps; simply put in your load of clothes, fill with water, then set the timer and start washing.

Features :
1. Efficient cleaning: Ultrasonic forward and reverse pulsator imitation hand-washing, not only close-fitting clothes, but also other small objects
2. Foldable and portable: foldable and retractable, folding is only about 10cm thick, easy storage It can be placed in a small corner
3. Quick cleaning: 10 minutes quick cleaning, 2-3 songs time, you can finish cleaning
4. Touch control: one-button operation, simple and convenient long press the switch to prevent accidental touch

Physical Dimension

Product Weight (Gm) :- 1444

Product Weight (Gm) :- 3900

Length (Cm) :- 35

Breadth (Cm) :- 15

Height (Cm) :- 37

Rs. 1,095.00

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