15239 Mattress Lifter Tool for Easy Bed Sheet Change (1 pc / 23 Cm)


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 27.00
  • After using this mattress lifting tool, the pressure on your back, neck and shoulders can be greatly reduced when making the bed.

  • The mattress wedge elevator has a composite ergonomic design that can effectively relieve neck and back pain caused by repeatedly lifting the mattress while making the bed.

  • You can lift the mattress by simply inserting the under mattress wedge between the mattress and the box spring when in use. And this tool is very lightweight, ideal for housewives and seniors. 

  • The curved handle allows users to hold the mattress elevator in a natural wrist position, providing greater comfort, power and energy transmission, allowing you to hold it in a selected position.

Dimension :- 

Volu. Weight (Gm) :- 151
Product Weight (Gm) :- 65
Ship Weight (Gm) :- 151
Length (Cm) :- 22
Breadth (Cm) :- 8
Height (Cm) :- 4

Rs. 27.00

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