18828 Strong Double Sided Tape Foam Mounting Tape (2 Pcs Set)


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 50.00

Strong Double Sided Tape Foam Mounting Tape Wall Hanging for Decorations, Frame (2 Pcs Set)

Description :-

  • Mounting Accessories, Decorations, Paintings, Posters, Frames And Photos Anywhere In Your House, Including The Bathroom And Kitchen.

  • Wall safe adhesive enables apartment renters and office workers to temporarily post objects on walls without the fear of damaging the surface finish or leave any sticky residue upon removal.

  • Multi-Purpose Replacement Bolts And Screws, Uniform And Uneven Surfaces For Internal Or External Use.

  • Perfect for home office, advertising, decoration, repairing, and other adhesion applications.

  • Ideal for mounting large and heavy tools, vinyl, greenhouse tarp, teaching materials, posters and picture frames

Dimension :- 

Product Weight (Gm) :- 47
Length (Cm) :- 28
Breadth (Cm) :- 13
Height (Cm) :- 3

Rs. 50.00

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