AM3772 Glass Bowl for Dessert, Glassware Tableware Serving Bowl Small


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Rs. 49.00 Rs. 16.00

Glass Bowl for Dessert, Glassware Tableware Serving Bowl for Ice-Cream, Fruit, Candy, Pasta, Salad 1 Pcs

  • European style cute set of 1 piece, clear fish pattern glass ice cream bowl dish/ pudding / dessert bowl set fruit/salad/ice cream/chocolate plate/bowl for supermarket bar table party
  • Package contents: 1 - pieces bowl and 1-piece serving bowl
  • Suitable for serving desert, puding, dry fruits, ice cream, sweet at home or ofiice, ideal for gift.
  • Glass container, stackable, dishwasher safe, suitable for microwave - freezer safe, transparent body . Tempered or toughened glassware. Economical, reusable, recyclable.
  • Instructions: handle with care. Easy to clean and wash, highly durable and made of fine quality glass.
Rs. 16.00

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