AM3805 Plastic Cool water Bottle 3pcs 900ml


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Rs. 120.00 Rs. 65.00

 Plastic Cool water Bottle 3pcs 900ml

  • Material Type: Stainless Steel bottle with food grade insulation and leak proof hard plastic Sipper Flip Cap;
  • Insulation type: Stainless Steel Bottle made up of steel outside and high grade PP material outside. It is a Temperature Resistant Bottle i.e. Hot Beverage will remain hot and Cold beverage will remain cold. High Grade Stainless Steel thus Rust proof
  • Best Usage:  Stainless Steel Temperature Resistant bottles are ergonomically designed and are Ideal size for kids during their outdoor physical activities, school and picnics.
  • Stainless Steel Water Bottle which is made up of steel inside and high grade PP material outside. It is odour free and 100% food grade which helps the taste and nutritive value of the protein shakes to remain intact
  • This bottle is easy to clean and maintain, Use a mild detergent or dish wash liquid and clean on the inside with a bottle brush
Rs. 65.00

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