AM3817 plastic Apna time water Bottle 500ml (4pcs)


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 75.00

 plastic Apna time water Bottle 500ml (4pcs)

  •  Bottles strikes the right balance. Hydro Bottles are big enough to store plenty of water, but small enough to fit in your refrigerator rack.
  • We understand how essential it is to stay hydrated and have therefore designed Hydro Bottles to perfect size to accompany you through the day. The bottles have a capacity of 600 ml and are available in two colours.
  • hey're lightweight and easy to hold, and they're also strong and hard to break.
  • We provide durable designs that allow you to carry the bottles without worrying about dents and leaks. They are built for multiple uses and can be washed and reused.
Rs. 75.00

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