3854 Self Watering Drip Irrigation System


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Rs. 49.00 Rs. 14.50

Self Watering Drip Irrigation System

Watering Spikes provides a steady supply of water directly to the roots, ensuring optimal plant health.

Plants also need drinking water, nothing better than making them fit. No time was wasted and money was spent on intelligent irrigation systems.


ADJUSTABLE SWITCH: This automatic watering stakes is designed with drip irrigation valve, thus can control the flowing rate and avoid over-watering. You can set the drop amount according to your plants needs.


WIDELY USE-: Whether your plants are indoor or outdoor, at home or in the office, this self watering planter devices Irrigation system ensure your plants hydrated. These plant watering devices are perfect for potted plants, houseplants, patio plants, hanging baskets, deck pots, 

Rs. 14.50

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