AM2784 Pexpo Echo Thermo SS Water Bottle Vaccum Insulated 1500ml


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Rs. 1,850.00 Rs. 1,159.00
  • ISI certified bottles: Pexpo water bottles are large steel bottles which undergo testing for durability, corrosion resistance, quality control, & material composition. This ensures that only the highest quality products reach your home
  • Tri-Ply Vacuum Technology (TPVT): Flasks feature a thicker aluminum sheet sandwiched between two steel layers, ensuring superior temperature control compared to just a thin copper coat
  • High Quality Steel: Flask is easy to clean and resistant to bacteria growth, keeping your beverages safe. Its smooth, shiny surface is highly durable, ensuring it stays crack-free over time.
  • Handle to carry: Enjoy effortless portability with our heavy-duty Pexpo Echo large bottles, equipped with a sturdy handle designed for secure & comfortable carrying during office hours or long journeys, whether by train, bus or road trip
Rs. 1,159.00

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