3966 Paper Soap Strips Box For Traveling


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Rs. 49.00 Rs. 17.00
  • Paper Soap Box: EASY TO CARRY - Grab Kart Paper soap is small and easy to carry, a small piece of paper soap tablets can wash your hands, water can be completely dissolved, is a good partner for your health clean.
  • Paper Soap Sheet: HIGH QUALITY - Made of high-quality environmental materials and pure natural plant extracts, the soap sheet is safe with no bad effects.
  • Paper Soap Strips: EASY TO USE - The product replaces the soap with water and is dissolved and completely dissolved. Dry hand out of a hand on the palm of your hand, wet with the right amount of water for a few seconds, gently blistering, clean the skin after the rinse with water.
  • MULTIPLE OCCASIONS - It is an environmental protection, travel products. Perfect for business trip and suitable for travel, camping, hiking, BBQ or any outdoor activities.
Rs. 17.00

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