9041 Finger Counter


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 22.00

Finger Counting Machine

Automatic Screen:

The hand counter clicker includes an automatic screen-off function. When left unused for an extended period, it will automatically reset the screen to conserve power and extend the counter’s lifespan.


Easy to Use:

Operating the click counter is incredibly straightforward. Featuring only 2 buttons – one for recording the count and the other for resetting to 0 with a single press.

Tally counter

Practical tool:

just press the large silver button to use it and start to count, no need to close it, when you stop using, it would be closed (sleeping mode) automatically, reset button help to zero clearing

Electronic Finger Counter

Wide application:

help to count, save your time and effort, can be applied to many public place, such as in the dock, bus station, school, lab, competition, stadium, training activities and so on

Rs. 22.00

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