AM3413 Mix Flavour CamPure Camphor Insta Pouch Air Freshener Pack Of 1


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Rs. 120.00 Rs. 89.00

Mix Flavour CamPure Camphor Insta Pouch 100% Organic Air Freshener Refreshing Fragrance Repels Mosquitoes Elevates Mood Campure Pack Of 1 Original, Sandalwood, Rose, Lavender, Jasmine

  • TWO IN ONE BENEFIT: Unlike conventional products which are either a fragrance or a repellent, CamPure Camphor Insta pouch is both: It provides a REFRESHING FRAGRANCE, REPELS MOSQUITOES and even ELEVATES MOOD.
  • FIRST OF ITS KIND: The scent spreads quickly to neutralize and remove unpleasant odours, protects you from mosquitoes – flies – insects and preserves your clothes from dampness and moth infestations.
  • LONG LASTING: Hang the camphor insta pouch by its elastic band in your home, office or vehicle. For the next experience a unique camphor based fragrance which has the abilities to keep you fresh and healthy. The product has a shelf life of 5 years when unopened.


    Product Weight (Gm) :- 40

    Length (Cm) :- 16

    Breadth (Cm) :- 8.5

    Height (Cm) :- 16

Rs. 89.00

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