AM3661 Tongue Cleaner Double Tongue Scaper 2 Pcs Set (Multicolour)


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 23.00

Tongue Scraper is an effective dental hygiene tool that keeps your tongue feeling clean. This gentle tongue scraper allows for a strong and comfortable cleaning action.

 It helps remove germs and bacterial plaque and prevents food buildup and bad breath too. This tongue cleaner has a long handle to reach to extreme back of tongue, inner sides of cheeks and upper mouth surface conveniently.Ideal for hard to reach areas of the mouth and suitable for daily use. This is a pack of 2 tongue scrapers, toung cleaner.

  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 33

    Length (Cm) :- 24

    Breadth (Cm) :- 7.5

    Height (Cm) :- 24
Rs. 23.00

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