AM2937 Baby Lovely Rattle Toys Concert 10 Pieces TB-9005 Rattle Drum Set Toddlers Infants Rattles Set Baby Lovely Rattle Toys Concert 10 Pieces TB-9005 Rattle Drum Set Toddlers Infants Rattles Set


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Rs. 799.00 Rs. 257.00
  • Baby Lovely Rattle Toys Concert 10 Pieces TB-9005 Rattle Drum Set Toddlers Infants Rattles Set 

    Develop Baby’s Senses; Grasping, Hearing, Fine Motor and Visual skills

  • 10 baby rattles of different shapes and sizes, which fit the baby's hand development well and are very easy to grasp

  • Featuring multiple easy grip handles for giving baby plenty of holding spots, lovely shapes appeal to them

  • Perfect size for little hands to grab and shake, your little one won’t get enough of them
Rs. 257.00

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