15837 Clothespin Rack Laundry Drying Rack


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 55.00

Clothespin Rack Laundry Drying Rack, Clothes Hangers with 8 Clips, Clip Hanger Drip Hanger for Drying Underwear, Baby Clothes, Socks, Bras, Towel, Cloth Diapers, Gloves 


  • The windproof hook of the clothespin rack prevents the hanger from being blown off by the wind.

  • 360° swivel design makes all clips easy to access and easy to clamp and unload.

  • The Drip Hanger are equipped with 8 clips with non-slip teeth and steel springs that can be used to hang many small items.

  • The Clothes Hangers with Clips are perfect for hanging dry socks, baby clothes, underwear, cloth diapers, towels, handkerchiefs or other light items. You can hang it in the laundry room, closet, shower curtain rod, clothes Use in places such as ropes.

  • It is this clips drip hanger features that has well-spaced swivel clips that allow your clothes to dry in all directions and prevent different clothes from coming next to each other for good air flow.

  • This clips drip hanger comes with multiple clips, and you don't have to hunt around for clips to secure your socks and keep them from blowing away.

  • HIGH QUALITY - Made of premium plastic, the clothes hanger has strong toughness, heat resistance, strong load-bearing and can be used dry or wet.


Product Weight (Gm)              :- 73

Length (Cm)                            :- 23

Breadth (Cm)                           :- 23

Height (Cm)                             :- 5

Country Of Origin : China

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