AM2851 JOYO 5ltr Better homes square bucket, With Handle (printed)


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Rs. 235.00 Rs. 125.00

JOYO Better Home Bucket - Plastic, Brown, High Quality, Sturdy

About the Product

Joyo Plastics Better Home Bucket is made of high-quality plastic. These buckets are a good accessory for your bathroom. It is highly durable and long-lasting. This bucket enhances the aesthetics and usability. It has a great design that is suitable for storing water. This 25-litre bucket is a sturdy addition to your home, and bathroom utility. It has a convenient carry handle that makes it easy to carry.


1. Brand :- Joyo Plastics.

2. Type :- Bucket.

3. Material :- Plastic.

4. Colour :- Brown.

5. Dimensions in mm (LXWXH) :- 

6. Capacity :- 5 L

7. Package Content :- 1 pc.


1. It is made with high-quality plastic.

2. Highly durable and long-lasting.

3. It has a great design.

4. Convenient carry handle.

How to Use

1. Use it to store water.

2. Use it the bathroom.

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