1280 Derma Roller


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 50.00

Derma Roller

Hair Roller

Micro-needling roller is a natural treatment to help you achieve beautiful, vibrant skin and a younger-looking appearance. The treatment procedure is simple, effective, and fast to perform, and you can do it yourself at home.

Applicable symptoms:

hair roller 0.5mm
  • This Derma roller made of titanium needles that help Reduces Hyper-Pigmentation..
  • Reduces Stretch Marks & Cellulite. Increased skin thickness.
  • Stimulates Skin Regeneration, it help for the hair regrowth.
  • Usage: 1) The roller is moved across the area of the skin to be treated in a series of sequential movements. 2) Press firmly but do not overdo this to avoid any unnecessary discomfort. 3) One way of using a roller is to imitate the points of a compass and roll its front, left, right, and then backward. This ensures even coverage without overdoing it.

How to Use 1.5 mm Derma Roller?

  • Soak the derma-roller in a disinfectant for 15 minutes.
  • Take the makeup off your face and neck.
  • Wash your face and neck with antibacterial lotion and pat dry.
  • Start rolling over the desired area horizontally and move around the area 4-5 times. Repeat the same movement 4-5 times vertically and diagonally. Do not press hard just slide.
  • Immerse it for 5 minutes in a disinfectant after each use
  • Leave it in a clean open place to dry.

Rs. 50.00

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