AM0170 Pop Fidgets Game Toys


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Rs. 449.00 Rs. 297.00
  • Puzzle Pop Symphony: Lights, Sounds, and Fun!

    Occupy your mind! Addictive classic press bubble game meets fast electronic game. How fast can you pop?

    🧠 Brain Training & Response Capability
    ✋ Hand-Eye Coordination
    4️⃣ Different Game Modes
    🚗 Hours of Fun On The Go

    Welcome to the captivating world of Puzzle Pop Symphony! Immerse yourself in a symphony of sights and sounds with this innovative fidget toy. It combines the excitement of puzzles with the satisfaction of popping bubbles, delivering a harmonious blend of entertainment and stress relief. Get ready to embark on a fidgeting adventure like no other!

    Key Features:

    • Harmonious Puzzles: Engage your mind with intricate puzzles and experience the satisfying pop with each successful move.
    • Vibrant Light-Up Game Board: Immerse yourself in a mesmerizing visual experience as the game board illuminates with vibrant colors.
    • Melodious Button Presses: Each button press releases delightful melodies, transforming your fidgeting into a symphony of sound.


    • Quick-Push Challenges: Test your speed and dexterity with quick-push challenges that add excitement and adrenaline to your fidgeting adventure.
    • Intelligent Gameplay: Stimulate your mind with intelligent gameplay that offers a dynamic and engaging fidgeting experience.
Rs. 297.00

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