5333 Dry Fruit Cutter


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 42.00
Dry Fruit cutter Cashew cutter Almond cutter Badam cutter kaju cutter

Dry Fruit Cutter is a versatile tool that can cut, slice, and grind a variety of dry fruits, including almonds, cashews, and more. The 3 in 1 Blade allows for precision cutting, ensuring uniform pieces every time. Use it to prepare ingredients for salads, baked goods, or snack mixes.

Dry Fruit cutter

The sharp blade allows for easy and effortless cutting, making it ideal for both professional and home use. Create decadent desserts or garnish your favorite drinks with this versatile tool.

Almond cutter

perfectly even slices of butter every time, making it easy to spread on toast, muffins, or bagels. Whether you're preparing breakfast or making a snack, this tool is an essential kitchen accessory.

Rs. 42.00

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