0882 Double Sided Tape


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Rs. 485.00 Rs. 58.00

Heavy Duty Double Sided Tape

Nano Double Sided Tape

  • High-quality material: Made of nano PU gel, this tape is durable, double-sided adhesive, transparent, and will not leave any traces on the wall or any surface.
  • Washable and reusable: The tape is washable and can be used multiple times after washing off the dust, making it a cost-effective choice.

dorm room essential

Poster Hanger, Carpet Tape, Wall Decor, Office, Classroom, Dorm Room, Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Outdoor, etc.

Very Sticky Extra Strong Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty 10FT 1 1464x600

Removable: The tape is easy to remove and will not damage your walls or surfaces or leave any residue, making it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to change their home decor or office layout without worrying about causing damage.

Double Sided Tape


double sided tape

Rs. 58.00

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