AM0921 Stainless Steel Casserole With Cover And Handle - 2200ml


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Rs. 395.00 Rs. 135.00


About this item

  • High Grade Quality Stainless Steel Double Walled Casserole With Plastic Lid, keeps The Food Hot/Warm And fresh For Long Hours. Handle makes It Easy To carry From Kitchen To Dining Table. Purest Stainless Steel Material And Infusion Of Polyurethane. So Serve At A Dinner Party In Our Stylish Casserole, Eat While Traveling In Our Airtight Hot Pots Or Take A Lunch Break In Office In Our Insulated Lunch Packs
  • Made from durable quality steel, the functional and leak proof lid of the casseroles with an integrated handle allow easy grip which can be opened or shut with a simple motion and trap the heat effectively inside the casserole
  • Best Deal At Lowest Price- The perfect serving Insulated casserole for any special occasions or household like birthday or anniversary parties, holiday, picnic will keep your Rice, Soup, Salads, chappati, Roti hot/warm and fresh for long hours
  • Families across the country love to sit down for a family dinner and enjoy a good, home cooked meal. A popular dinner dish that is easy to make and so versatile is the casserole. At the heart of this delicious meal is the vessel in which it's made- the casserole dish! Divine casseroles are PU insulated, with a stainless-steel inner surface to keep food hot and fresh. This insulated container is simple to use, and elegantly designed to take centre-stage at your dining table.
Rs. 135.00

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