AM3106 Fevicol Mr 120gm Craft Glue


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Rs. 60.00 Rs. 52.00

Fevicol MR 120 GM Craft Glue  Ultimate Adhesive DIY Art & Craft Easy to use Multi-surface Ideal for Children, Hobbyists, Student’s Project Work

  • India's “Most Trusted” Fevicol brand that can be used for multiple occasions. Just Pull it, Stick It, Push It with mess free nozzle and unique pen shape.
  • Universal craft glue ideal for pasting variety of materials from papers, candy sticks, corrugated sheets to heavy craft accessories and making slime
  • Classic white glue formula that becomes invisible when dry giving a clean finish to project work/article.
  • Easily peels away from hands and clothes for quick cleanup.
  • Ideal for school projects, kids, hobbyists, artists, handicrafts, house, offices, art & craft
Rs. 52.00

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