AM3807 Waves Pet Water Bottel 900ML (4PCS)


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 65.00

Waves Pet Water Bottel 900ML (4PCS)

  • This bottle makes it perfect for carrying with you on any day-trip or anywhere you go. It can be used at home, gym, work-related function, birthday party, indoor and outdoor entertaining, etc
  • Convenient size fits in the side pocket of bags which you can carry for school, Picnic, car bottle holder etc
  • Be it on your dining table or your office desk, with Ace Flip, add a style quotient wherever you go.
  • Sleek and ergonomic design: Not only enhances the aesthetics but also saves space in your refrigerator and bag, making it perfect for both home and travel use.
  • Easy to carry: Lightweight and portable design makes it easy to carry wherever you go, whether it's to the gym, office, or on outdoor adventures.


Rs. 65.00

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