1311 Fresh Paper Soap Strips Traveling Hand Wash with Jasmine Fragrance (100pc)


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Rs. 99.00 Rs. 26.00

Fresh Paper Soap Strips Traveling Hand Wash with Jasmine Fragrance (100pc)

Fresh soap strip is handy soap on a thin paper strip, enchantingly. Each paper soap strip is a single use complete hand or face wash, the soap strip gives abundant lather in hard, soft, warm or cold water leaving behind a lingering fragrance. Wonder Fresh soap strips are ideally used while travelling, on picnics, offices, industries, hospitals, school/colleges and at home.

  • This listing is for a assorted set of 100 paper soap strips
  • Paper soap strips
  • Ideally used while travelling, on picnics, offices, industries, hospitals, school/colleges and at home
  • Jasmine Fragrance

Physical Dimension

Weight (Gm) :- 46

Length (Cm) :- 6

Breadth (Cm) :- 3

Height (Cm) :- 10

Country Of Origin : INDIA

Rs. 26.00

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