AM3215 Lao Pyala Eclusive A Designer Crockery Ceramic Tea Cup & Saucera Set


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Rs. 499.00 Rs. 235.00

 Lao Pyala Eclusive A Designer Crockery Ceramic Tea Cup & Saucera Set of 12 Piece 

  • tea cup is made up of fine quality ceramic reusable material with handcraft. This cup is use for tea, coffee, cappuccino, milk and more. This product is microwave safe, dishwasher safe and food grade. Decorative design print on the mug is permanent and fade-proof. Kick start your day with a sip of your favourite tea in this lovely cup. It can be bought in several of designs and it is a great idea to have a collection of them. A perfect gift for any occasions. This attractive mug will enhance the style quotient of any space. Bring home the fun with this traditionally Indian kulhad cup. These beautifully embossed cups are a treat to serve in. Comes as a set of 6. Apt for both hot cold drinks.This diva cup and saucer set proves handy when you need to warm or serve cool beverages. Place it in a microwave, oven or refrigerator for a few minutes and they are ready to serve. This diva 6 set cup and saucer is dishwasher safe, allowing you to clean it with ease without having to worry about scratches.
Rs. 235.00

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