AM3641 Maharaja Whiteline 1000 Watts Classico White Dry Iron


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Rs. 790.00 Rs. 539.00

Maharaja Whiteline Plastic 1000 Watts Classico White Dry Iron DI-111

Wattage 240 V AC 50 Hz / 1000W If you are looking for a powerful iron for your home, then this Maharaja Whiteline iron is ideal for your home. It uses 1000 W of energy to effectively remove tough creases so that you get wrinkle-free clothes. Moreover, it comes with a temperature control knob so that you can set the temperature according to the fabric of your clothes. Furthermore, its ergonomic handle gives you a secure grip for a convenient ironing experience.

  • Dimension

    Weight (Gm) :- 650

    Length (Cm) :- 23

    Breadth (Cm) :- 11

    Height (Cm) :- 10.8
Rs. 539.00

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