Cabinet Drawer Pull Knob


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Rs. 49.00 Rs. 4.00

Drawer Pull Knobs

Clear Diamond Shaped Crystal Cabinet Drawer Knobs

Beautiful Stylish Style

Designed with elegance and sophistication in mind, made of crystal acrylic knobs offers an upscale look for your kitchen or bathroom. Sophisticated details pair with a sleek acrylic silhouette for a design that matches a wide range of decor. Great for DIY repairs or to add new look and style to your decor and living space .

Clear Diamond Shaped Crystal Cabinet Drawer Knobs

Widely Usage

diamond sticker coloring

Application Surfaces

Self-Stick drawer handle suitable for any smooth surface like glass, metal, tile, marble ,glazed surface, plastic , woodboard, Note: Can not be used on the wall surface, latex paint, wallpaper, unpainted wood.

diamond sticker decor for living room

Rs. 4.00

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