3734 Garbage Bag Holder


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Rs. 59.00 Rs. 35.00
  • Garbage Bag HolderUsed to store plastic bags for recycling, the inner plastic bag is clear at a glance.
  • NON-OCCUPIED SPACE DESIGN: The grocery storage bag is with hanging design, so the plastic bag can be extracted from the bottom. It also conveniently compresses the plastic down so you can store a lot of plastic bags in it without taking up too much space.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: It is recyclable to store all the plastic bags lying around instead of tossing them every time. Make effort to environmental protection.
  • MULTIPLE PURPOSE: Great for recycling and organizing.Ideal for storing plastic bags, shopping bags, toilet and kitchen rolls, even hold vegetables like tomatoes or potatoes and more.
  • DURABLE MATERIAL: Made of sturdy polyester mesh, hold plastic bags tightly.
Rs. 35.00

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