4035 Mini LED Flashlight Keychain


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 65.00

Portable and easy to use, mini Cob Keychain Work Light is a perfect flashlight to have while night walking, hiking, fishing, camping, or emergency use.

Keychain Flashlights

This is a pretty cool little light. Multiple ways to use carabiner, magnet, adjustable folding stand, tripod... rechargeable, bright, compact.

COB Small Flashlights Rechargeable Keychain Work Light

It can attach to standard camera tripods.

COB Small Flashlights Rechargeable Keychain Work Light

On HIGH and MAX you cannot look directly at it, especially in the dark.

COB Small Flashlights Rechargeable Keychain Work Light

All in all a cool looking light with a bottle opener.

COB Small Flashlights Rechargeable Keychain Work Light

The small size, light weight, and USB rechargeable battery and flatness are features.

Also bright enough to disorient an intruder should one start approaching at the vulnerable moment of unlocking car.

COB Small Flashlights Rechargeable Keychain Work Light
Rs. 65.00

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