Golf Shape Toilet Cleaner Brush


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Rs. 199.00 Rs. 33.00

Toilet Cleaner Brush 

Say goodbye to those cleaning hassles with our innovative "Pro Toilet Brush" – the long-handled, triangular toilet brush designed to make your bathroom cleaning a breeze.

Key Features:

🚽 Deep Clean Every Corner: Our unique triangular brush head design ensures that every angle of your toilet is covered, leaving no blind spots. Say farewell to those hard-to-reach areas that often go unnoticed.

🪠 Effortless Housework: The brush bristles are crafted from high-quality TPR materials that are gentle on your glazed toilet. Plus, they're designed to resist tangling with hair, making your cleaning tasks easier than ever before.

🧼 Easy to Clean: Our toilet brush doesn't hold onto dirt and grime. Any residue on the brush can be easily rinsed away, ensuring that the brush remains clean and hygienic for your next use.

Rs. 33.00

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