AM0300 UNO Playing Cards Fun Game


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Rs. 74.00 Rs. 37.00
  • Deodap UNO Cards are Brace yourself for the next iteration of classic Uno: Uno flip; It's the matching game you know, plus exciting new twists like a double sided deck and special flip card that give classic gameplay a competitive edge;In a race to deplete their hands, players can play special cards to slow their opponents down, like skips, reverses and colour-changing wild cards; Uno flip; Also includes new action cards that really shake things up, like draw five and skip everyone cards
  • The holder of the flip card determines whether or not you play on the inch lightinch side or inch darkinch side of the deck -- and when you switch it back around; Strategize to rattle your competition and be the first to get rid of your cards to win; When you're down to one card, don't forget to shout inch Uno; inch Colours and decorations may vary;UNO FLIP! is the classic card game you know, now with an exciting new twist!
  • UNO FLIP! also includes fun new action cards, like Draw Five and Skip Everyone.; This fun family card game is perfect for adults, teens and kids 7 years old and up.
Rs. 37.00

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