Price Guarantee
If you find a lower price on a Product, we will credit you 100% of the difference.
We are committed to making sure that offers you the best deal for all your purchases. To demonstrate this commitment, we have introduced our price match guarantee policy, where we will refund the difference if you find a better price either online or offline in a span of 7 calendar days from the date of purchase.
This policy is applicable both before you make the purchase or after you make the purchase. All claims are processed in less than 24 hours. Please follow the process below to help us get back to you at the soonest:
- Send an email to or call us on +91 90999 93991 with the details of the store (both online and offline), where you found a better deal.
- If we find that the claim is genuine, we will immediately issue you with a discount code for you to place an order or refund the difference in the form of a DeoDap gift voucher (if you have already placed an order)
- The Gift Voucher will also include an additional Rs. 100 off as gift / reward for getting the lowest price. For example: You want to buy a Moon Light and DeoDap's price is Rs. 550. You found price of Rs. 500 on some other website. You just need to contact us and we will give you a GIFT Voucher for Rs. 150 (Rs. 50 price difference + Rs. 100 bonus voucher). You can use this GIFT Voucher at the time of placing the order and buy any product from
Other Terms & Conditions
- Total price (including shipping, taxes and any other charges) will be considered for the sake of comparison.
- Prices should be mentioned in Rs. This offer is applicable to reputed Indian retailers only (both online and offline)
- Before we accept your request, we must be satisfied that the products are identical (including any freebies etc.,) and the product that you found on other reliable website was available to order on that website (including delivery to any pin code in India)
- When assessing your request, we will compare total prices (including taxes, handling, delivery, discount, promo code and any other charges)
- We reserve the right to change or withdraw the Price Match Guarantee at any time
7 Days replacement guarantee offers 7 days "no questions asked" replacement guarantee for all products sold on the website in case of damages or defects. This policy is not valid for "change of mind" or "refunds". Refunds are only possible when is not able to deliver the product that was orders. will replace the defective product with a brand new product at no extra cost. will try its best to replace the specific product ordered. However, the company reserves the right to offer an alternate product (of same value or higher) in case the product is out of stock/ production. Normal wear and tear as well damage due to negligence is not covered under this policy. In case of products covered under warranty, the customer is advised to contact the local service centre of the brand for service.
For all eligible products, customers are advised to contact customer service within 7 calendar days from the time of delivery. Any reasonable cost of shipping (to-and-fro) in case of a replacement will be borne by Customer.
In all other cases, the customer will bear the shipping charges.
Process for Product Replacement
Please write to with your order details to register your case. Once you receive a confirmation, please ship (do remember to include all the items that you received originally) the product to the following address:
Customer care -
6-B Block-A Sumel Business Park-5m,Near chamunda Bridge asarwa Ahmedabad-380001
Once we receive the product, we will ship a replacement to your original address
Exceptions to our Return and replacement policy
The following shall not be eligible either for return or replacement:
- Misused products or tampered products
- Electronic products and any other products which comes in sealed condition. Once the seal is broken, only way is to approach the nearest customer care centre of the brand
- Any damage or defect not covered under the manufacturer's warranty
- Any product that is returned without all original packaging and accessories, including the box, manufacturer's packaging if any, and all other items originally included with the product(s) delivered
- Any custom made or made to order products or products that can't be sold to other customers because of custom design, food or any other health related products.
Applicable Law
All sales and interactions with DeoDap shall be governed by and interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of India. In case of any disputes with DeoDap, the same shall be subject to courts/authorities/forums in Ahmedabad only.