18960 Towel Clip Windproof Plastic Towel Clips (3 Pcs Set)


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Rs. 149.00 Rs. 27.00

Towel Clip Windproof Plastic Towel Clips High Quality Plastic Clips To Attach Towels To Beach And Sun Loungers For Beach Towels, Clothing, Duvets, Blankets Styles (3 Pcs Set)


  • Holds your towel to the frame of most round cheekbone beach chairs.

  • Adheres perfectly to most towels and keeps them in place.

  • With a very strong handle and a non-slip T-shirt to prevent the quilt or fur from blowing over.

  • Can be used to dry towels, clothes such as wet swimsuits, quilts, duvet covers, blankets on a windy day to prevent them from sliding off a rail, beach chair or clothesline

  • Made of robust PP plastic with galvanised steel - no rust. Strong clips with windproof and non-slip, sturdy design to prevent them from blowing away.


Product Weight (Gm) :- 63
Length (Cm) :- 16
Breadth (Cm) :- 16
Height (Cm) :- 6

Rs. 27.00

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