3214 Super Pride Dishwasher Detergent Bar: The Ultimate Cleaning Power


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Rs. 10.00 Rs. 8.00
Super Pride Dishwash Bar is an exceptional cleaning product designed to tackle your dishwashing needs with ease and efficiency. This reliable and powerful cleaning bar is an essential addition to your kitchen, ensuring that your dishes are not only spotlessly clean but also hygienic.

Superior Cleaning: Super Pride Dishwash Bar is formulated to remove tough grease, food residues, and stains from your dishes, cookware, and utensils. Its powerful cleaning action makes even the most stubborn grime disappear, leaving your dishes sparkling clean.

Long-lasting: This dishwash bar is long-lasting and durable, ensuring that you get great value for your money. A single bar can be used for numerous washing cycles, making it a cost-effective choice for your kitchen.

Rs. 8.00

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