3229 Acne Patch Face Pimple Patch 1 Sheet Pack of 36 Pimple Healing & Spot Clearing Patch


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Rs. 164.00 Rs. 15.00
  • Acne Patch Face Pimple Patch 1 Sheet Pack of 36 Pimple Healing & Spot Clearing Patch Absorbing Cover Invisible, Blemish Spot, Hydrocolloid, Skin Treatment

  • Daily invisible insulation skin protection: pimple plasters completely cover the surface of acne. Avoid acne coming into contact with external pollutants effectively. Ideal for acne healing and pimple treatment.
  • Lightweight and breathable: they are waterproof and breathable and offer you up to 24 hours of protection. Can also be used at night. If one of the patches is dirty, you can easily replace it with another one.
  • Easy to use: simply stick a patch in the appropriate size to the pimple after facial cleansing. Then toner, face cream or other care products can be used.
  • Suitable for all skin types: the acne patches are suitable for all skin types, ages or genders and are hardly visible on the skin thanks to the flattened edges.
Rs. 15.00

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