3433 Multi Purpose 3 Pcs Plastic Kitchen Tray Combo (Multicolor)


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Rs. 182.00 Rs. 97.00
Each tray in this set is made from high-quality, durable plastic that is built to withstand the rigors of daily kitchen use. The robust construction ensures longevity, making these trays a reliable companion for various tasks in your culinary space.
The 3-Piece Plastic Kitchen Tray Combo is designed with your convenience in mind. Lightweight and easy to handle, these trays simplify various kitchen tasks, providing a practical solution for the busy home chef.

1> Product Dimension LxWxH:- 41x34x15 cm
2> Product Dimension LxWxH:- 33x26x12 cm
3> Product Dimension LxWxH:- 28x22x10 cm

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