3438 Laundry Basket Organiser - Storage Basket for Washing Cloth, Dirty Cloth (Multicolor)


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Rs. 469.00 Rs. 230.00
  • IDEAL for family use in the Laundry Room, Bedroom or Bathroom, Storageroom. Washing Cloth Basket which can be used to store all the washed clothes
  • LAUNDRY BASKET comes in large Size, which gives you space for storing multiple items like clothes, toys, groceries, kitchen and bathing accessories
  • Laundry Cloth Basket - DESIGN comes with Lid for protecting your articles from dust.
  • Laundry Storage Organiser - CAPACITY gives you extra large space to store your products. It also Used as a Toy Storage Organiser for Kids
  • Laundry Storage Bin - STYLISH LOOK With modern and stylish design, our storage bins used to store clothes, toys for childrens and other products. Color may vary depends on stock

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