3824 Luxury Flower Bathing Loofah Sponge Exfoliator Scrubber for High Lather Cleansing


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Rs. 40.00 Rs. 23.00
  • Deodap Flower Bathing Loofah is
  • Exfoliates Skin gently. A refreshing and uplifting bathing experience.
  • It is also important for you to eradicate dead skin cells, which will give you naturally smooth, youthful, and radiant skin.
  • Gentle rubbing over the skin improves local blood circulation, resulting in flawless, glowing skin.
  • Large and Extra Fluffy - The MiDazzle Bath Loofah is large in size and weight, with increased volume and fluffiness for a pleasurable bathing experience.
  • For sensitive skin, use the fine mesh MiDazzle loofah sponge to scrub away dead skin cells and impurities.
  • How to use - Use a little amount of shower gel or soap on a wet Loofah to create a thick, frothy lather. Scrub gently all over the body before rinsing. Dry your Loofah by hanging it on the wall to keep it safe and clean.

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